Adam Barriball is our Non-Executive Director for Stitcht, having joined the team in July 2020. He comes with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in marketing and PR not just from his current role as Director of Corporate Communications at Tata Group but through his wider experience at companies like Friends Reunited, NetJets and Cobra Beer.
Adam started out doing a Language and Communications degree at Cardiff back in 1995. After interning, he went straight into a Senior Publicity Assistant with a production company creating Wallace and Grommit and Chicken Run.

Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay
His most recognised roles were as a Communications Manager for Indian beer brand Cobra Beer, a Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs at the world’s largest private jet operator, NetJets, and currently Director of Corporate Communications at Tata Group, which owns famous brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Taj Hotels and Tetley Tea.
Adam has also worked with Friends Reunited, the precursor to Facebook. Friends Reunited was the first social media platform to connect old classmates and rekindle lost friendships.
Away from his work, Adam was brought up in Plymouth, Devon. Because of this, he is an avid believer in cream before the jam, holding this belief through visiting many countries throughout his life. Not all of his tastes are as rigid, though, being able to handle a spicy curry with the rest of them having worked for two large companies with roots in India.

Stumbling across Stitcht by pure chance, Adam met Mike, our founder, at a stag do. And, through the haze of a few pints, he immediately saw the vision Mike was selling in Stitcht and decided to jump aboard this wild ride.
'I was drawn to the idea immediately of making social media more human.'
Away from the wild nights of a Newquay stag-do, Mike and Adam entered into more detailed conversations about Stitcht. Adam could see that Mike was the sort of person to make this idea happen and bring it to life. Invested in the concept and the determination of Mike, Adam agreed to help with his project. From there, they embarked on a three-year journey together to develop Stitcht further.

Now, Stitcht is launching with exciting new brands and companies, and Adam continues to be a valued member of the team. In his words, he's 'excited to be involved because there's a real opportunity here for Stitcht to bring something completely different.'
"The way I see it, social media at the moment is like a boring conversation... a boring person having a one-way rant in the corner. What Stitcht can do beautifully is create a natural two-way conversation, which you do face to face humanly."

Already gaining much traction with brands such as Fastic and Sports Traider, Adam's idea of Stitcht revolutionising social media, promoting real, genuine conversations, is bearing true. To watch the threads Fastic has done on Stitcht, click here.
'It will revolutionise social media as we know it.'
For more about how Stitcht can help your brand, visit our website.